Collection of articles for working with Multitech devices in LoRaWAN networks.
XDot requires an external storage device for FOTA. Space is allocated to store the received file, a backup copy of the application, and an upgrade result file.
Storage devices must meet the following criteria:
These parts have been tested:
The block device driver must be configured in mbed_app.json
Example SPIF Block device configuration:
"target_overrides": {
"XDOT_L151CC": {
"target.components_add": ["SPIF"],
"spif-driver.SPI_MOSI": "SPI_MOSI",
"spif-driver.SPI_MISO": "SPI_MISO",
"spif-driver.SPI_CLK": "SPI_SCK",
"spif-driver.SPI_CS": "SPI_NSS",
"flash-record-store.file-enable": 1,
"flash-record-store.ext-flash-page-size": 512,
"flash-record-store.ext-flash-sector-size": 4096,
"flash-record-store.ext-flash-erase-size": 4096
Example DATAFLASH block device configuration:
"target_overrides": {
"XDOT_L151CC": {
"target.components_add": ["DATAFLASH"],
"dataflash.SPI_MOSI": "SPI_MOSI",
"dataflash.SPI_MISO": "SPI_MISO",
"dataflash.SPI_CLK": "SPI_SCK",
"dataflash.SPI_CS": "SPI_NSS",
"dataflash.binary-size": 1,
"flash-record-store.file-enable": 1,
"flash-record-store.ext-flash-page-size": 512,
"flash-record-store.ext-flash-sector-size": 4096,
"flash-record-store.ext-flash-erase-size": 4096
The mDot instance must be initialized with a block device instance. The xDot bootloader expects file storage to be allocated at the end of the flash device.
Example for initializing an SPIF block device:
#include "mbed.h"
#include "mDot.h"
#include "SPIFBlockDevice.h"
// #include "DataFlashBlockDevice.h"
int main()
mbed::BlockDevice* ext_bd = NULL;
ext_bd = new SPIFBlockDevice();
// ext_bd = new DataFlashBlockDevice();
int ret = ext_bd->init();
// Check for zero size because DataFlashBlockDevice doesn't
// return an error if the chip is not present
if (ret < 0 || (ext_bd->size() == 0)) {
delete ext_bd;
ext_bd = NULL;
mDot* dot = mDot::getInstance(&plan, ext_bd);
if (ext_bd != NULL) {
logInfo("External flash device detected, type: %s, size: 0x%08x",
ext_bd->get_type(), (uint32_t)ext_bd->size());