MQTT Application

Collection of articles for working with Multitech devices in LoRaWAN networks.

MQTT Application

Application configuration

url: mqtts://
eui: filter end-devices joined to AppNet EUI
encodeHex: encode payloads to and from hex instead of default base64
  check_hostname: enable hostname check for tls connection
  client_id: client id
  server_cert: server certificate
  client_cert: client certicate
  apikey: client private key
  username: MQTT username
  password: MQTT password
  uplinkTopic: override topic for uplinks to publish to
  downlinkTopic: override topic to subscribe to for downlinks
  overrideTopicsForAllApps: use custom topics for all apps
  api: enable api requests
  log: enable log requests
  lora: enable lora query requests
  enabled: turn backhaul detect messages on/off
  payload: hex payload of downlink packet to send to end-device when backhaul is down
  port: port to send downlink packet to end-device
  timeout: scheduling timeout limit the number of downlinks scheduled, default one per 5 minutes


Azure MQTT messages are expected to use the following topics where ‘%(client_id)s’ is the id of the gateway in the Azure cloud. Messages on these topics will match the those shown in the MQTT protocol for uplinks and downlinks. Azure SAS tokens can be used as shown below, SAS tokens can be created using Azure CLI, VS Code Extension or Azure IoT Explorer. TLS Certificates and Keys can also be used instead of SAS tokens. TLS security is recommended for production systems.

mPower Default App Settings

mPower Default App Settings

See Azure IoT Hub MQTT Support for protocol connection details. More info on SAS tokens can be found here Azure IoT Hub SAS.

Send a C2D message containing the appeui, deveui and data to send in a downlink. Optional fields: port, rx_wnd, ack, ack_retries see details in downlinks section of subscribed MQTT messages.

  { "appeui": "8b-6c-f0-8e-ee-df-1b-b6", "deveui": "00-80-00-ff-ff-00-00-03", "data": "QA==" }

Direct Methods

Azure direct methods can be used to access gateway configuration and status info. The AppEUI and GwUUID need to be provided in the request. The payload for method requests and responses is a JSON document up to 128 KB.